adie syndrome การใช้
- "' Adie syndrome "'is tonic pupil plus absent deep tendon reflexes.
- Tonic pupils are usually due to " Adie syndrome ", but other diseases can denervate the ciliary ganglion.
- Late in the course of Adie syndrome, the pupil becomes small ( as all pupils do with old age ).
- Adie syndrome is a fairly common, benign, idiopathic neuropathy that selectively affects the ciliary ganglion and the spinal cord neurons involved in deep tendon reflex arcs.
- Early in the course of Adie syndrome ( when the cells of the ciliary ganglion have been destroyed, but before regeneration has occurred ) the pupil will be fixed and dilated.
- A patient with anisocoria ( one pupil bigger than the other ) whose pupil does not react to light ( does not constrict when exposed to bright light ) most likely has Adie syndrome idiopathic degeneration of the ciliary ganglion.
- In the early 20th century, William John Adie described a second type of pupil that could accommodate but not react . Adie s "'tonic pupil "'is usually associated with a benign peripheral neuropathy ( Adie syndrome ), not with syphilis.
- "' Adie syndrome "'( ), sometimes known as "'Holmes Adie syndrome "'or "'Adie's tonic pupil "', is a neurological disorder characterized by a viral or bacterial infection which causes inflammation, and affects the pupil of the eye and the autonomic nervous system.
- "' Adie syndrome "'( ), sometimes known as "'Holmes Adie syndrome "'or "'Adie's tonic pupil "', is a neurological disorder characterized by a viral or bacterial infection which causes inflammation, and affects the pupil of the eye and the autonomic nervous system.